Being anxious and worried about your future will not achieve your current state of goals.
Surrendering to yourself saying no about yourself.
You can be still within yourself every day knowing you are enough, stillness produces infinity. Infinity was there before you were on the planet, and it will be there when you leave this planet, why can’t we have everything we want in life the only thing that stops us is saying no to the restrictions and the boundaries in our lives, we all have the right to freedom, the freedom of purpose to freedom of feeling and doing.
Saying no to who you think you are, means you surrender to the road ahead: no one there to impress there is no one there to stop you.
The world has created the power of yes, it only shows us a journey of saying yes, that is why we all struggle and find it very hard to say no. It can even fill us with anxiety and sleepless nights thinking that you have to say no to somebody or something in your life and this may make us feel rejected, unworthy etc etc. This way of thinking and being is not doing you any good at all.
Authenticity is about who are we, what do you want in our lives, what we don’t want, to analyse. We have the power to say no to everything we don’t want. We have a choice.
You can control your breathe so control your brain. Yes, it is truly that easy.
Have the power of No, to say no to your own brain. Don’t worry about everyone else, put yourself first, put your brain first, your thought. We create every moment and every day and every week and year of our lives. You have the power of no, for each time a thought comes in your brain, stop for a second and ask yourself is this useful? does it make me feel good? does it make me anxious? is it going to make my day, year, month, or even week better? if not, if it’s not useful you don’t need. Say no to the negative thoughts. The only person these negative thoughts affect is yourself, no one else. you’re the one who feels miserable, you’re the one who has the anxiety in their stomach you are producing your own fear.
Be bigger than your excuses. Many people say they can’t change their too old, they’re too stuck in their ways, it’s impossible to change the way they are. This is not true; we all have choices.
What about reflection? reflection of you? If you need to know more on reflection, check out my podcast a few weeks ago on this subject. Click here
Write down all your excuses as to why you cannot change your life and you cannot change you.
It will be worth it.
It’s going to sound a bit strange but try this. Put all of your excuses in an envelope, you’re now going to say in your mind or out loud to your excuses that you no longer need them, they are no longer worthy of you, and you don’t want them around anymore.
Take the envelope and burn it. Get rid of your excuses, you don’t need them, they are holding you back they’re not making your life any better.
NOW, ask yourself…. How do you feel?